iPhone 15 Just Get Outed by Anker



What Anker Might Have Just Told Us… By Accident


Okay, so there’s a little tech gossip going around. Everyone knows Anker, right? That top-notch accessory brand? Well, they might have let slip a juicy Apple secret. They had this show at IFA 2023, where all their new gadgets were flaunted. But, a couple of hawk-eyed geeks spotted something missing: Lightning stuff. A new iPhone minus the Lightning? 


Anker’s New Shiny Things: Qi2 MagGo Series


This isn’t Anker’s first rodeo, but their Qi2 MagGo line is like their old stuff on energy drinks. They’ve bumped up from that 7.5W charging game to a big-boy 15W. There’s this one gadget – a 10k mAh portable battery. It has a snazzy little screen showing how much juice it has left. But here’s the kicker: It’s got a USB-C port. Not Lightning. USB-C. And that thing can pump out a whopping 27W! Plus, they have this 6.6k mAh battery that doubles as a phone stand. Fancy, right?


One for All, All for One


Anker’s outdone themselves again. They’re rolling out these MagGo docks to handle your whole Apple family. iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods – you name it. And fast. But the rumor mill’s not buzzing about that. It’s the missing Lightning gear that’s got everyone talking.


So, piecing it all together, it’s looking like the iPhone 15 might be leaving the Lightning Club. If that’s true, and we’re moving to a USB-C world, it will be a new ball game. Hold onto your hats, folks; tech’s wild ride isn’t slowing down!